Chulmleigh Old Fair

The mosaic, South Molton Street, Chulmleigh, Devon, created to commemorate the

750th anniversary of Chulmleigh Old Fair in 2003.


Chulmleigh Old Fair has taken place every year since King Henry III granted a Royal Charter to the Town in 1253.

Even during the darkest days of two world wars, Chulmleigh managed to maintain this historic event.


The fair always starts at 6.30pm, on the Tuesday evening following the 22nd July. The opening of the fair is followed by the ancient money scramble, although the coins are no longer heated until red hot!


A large white glove symbolising, the King’s gauntlet, is paraded through the town by the Chief Herald, before being displayed from the Town Hall throughout the Fair which ends at midnight Saturday.

There is a different programme of events each day.


Wednesday is the main Fair Day. A country and craft market, with about 60 stalls is held in the streets, phone +447702497963 to book a space or email:  FREE car parking nearby, also Sheep Show, Dog Show, Vintage Vehicles and Flower Show.


Chulmleigh Old Fair is run by a committee of volunteers, with any profits used to keep admission charges to a minimum and to provide the generous money prizes which are awarded to those taking part in various events and competitions. Many events are FREE.


A Heritage Lottery grant enabled an archive to be created to record the history of the Fair. It contains over 1500 photographs in the, allegedly, biggest scrapbook in the world, and is a good source for those researching their family and local history.